Sunday, July 13, 2014

Alice's Cranioversary Video

I made a video all by myself to celebrate Alice's one year Cranioversary. I can't believe it's been one year since her surgery!

Also check out my Mommy's blog for an update about my baby sister.

Tuesday, June 3, 2014

Great news!

Alice is now 16 months old. Yesterday we went to Washington D.C. for Alice’s appointment . After our journey through this I can’t believe that she gets to her helmet off soon! In two months or less! So happy! Then on the other hand it protects her head from bumping into things. Before I knew it these months flew by!  Her birthday, Christmas, Halloween, Easter, St. Patty’s Day... wow right!?  One year may seem like a long time to be in a helmet…but it goes by so fast!

Playing after our long car ride yesterday

Friday, May 30, 2014

Cranio from my viewpoint

My baby sister was born….A healthy baby girl but as months went on my mom started to notice her forehead did not look quite right. Soon our doctor sent us to another doctor and my baby sister Alice was diagnosed with craniosynostosis. But we were told that she just missed an easier surgery and faster recovery but my mom would not give up! She made a lot of phone calls, researched on the computer. My mom found a place to do the surgery (smaller one) in Washington D.C. but my parents had to leave us with our grandparents because it would be hard to have other people there but if that ever happens to you don’t feel left out your parents love you it’s okay and I too let you know that everything will be all right! Just relax and pray no matter how long. Here’s something to do, call them once a day and also before they leave ask them to print a picture of the whole family or anything else that makes you feel like you're with them. J I worried so much but before I knew it they were back Alice had two big scars on her head it scared me but my mom said they opened it up that is why. A few weeks later my sister got a helmet let me explain it will shape her head to look how it should ( It is part of the surgery) Okay whoa! The helmet was weird the moment they put it on her, I saw it, I said take that thing off her head please? No was the answer and I would have to deal with that for while and to get used to her helmet, and she would too, and she did!

This is just a summary...more to come!